Network GUI Method:
- In Fedora, go to: Desktop --> Administration --> Network,
just type the command "system-config-network" the shell prompt to get the same GUI (both of these methods will ask for root password). The window you will get will have title of "Network Configuration".
- From the toolbar of this new window, click on "New" button. You will get a window with title "Add new Device Type".
- In this new windoe, choose xDSL connection, click "Forward" and follow the prompt. It will ask you for the provider name (type anything. e.g. BSNL Dataone), your connection username (bridewin@dataone in our example in case if you are using Fedora 11 just type bridewin i.e your username there is no need for @dataone) and password.
- Once setup is complete, to test the connection, go back to the "Network Configuration" window (or open it again as specified in the first point above), and select the new connection and click on Activate button in the toolbar (If the active and Deactive button does not appear to be available then edit the BSNLDataone connection using edit option and deselect the controlled by network manager option and save it..!!) . Wait a few seconds and give the following commands in a terminal:
$> ping
$> ping
The first one if successfuly, will prove that the internet connection is working, the second one, if successful, will prove that your DNS nameserves are also working.
Then make sure that the device will become automatically active when the computer boots up by selecting this connection in the network configuration window and by editing its profile and by checking the option that tells the device to activate on boot ups. Also, give normal users the option of controlling this device.